Month: June 2015
UX London: Brad Frost’s Atomic Design Model
I love that Brad Frost’s Working with Atomic Design UX London talk included the following quote from Daniel Mall: As an industry, we sell websites like paintings. Instead, we should be selling beautiful and easy access to content, agnostic of device, screen size, or context.
Apple News: Initial Questions
A few years ago, I worked for a boutique publisher. The publisher offered a number of subscription-only journals, and the decision was made to create an iPad Newsstand version of the journal. I spent a good chunk of my time helping generate as interactive, measurable and enjoyable a magazine app as possible, and we were very proud… Continue reading Apple News: Initial Questions
UX London: Karen McGrane’s Content Modelling Process
I had the honour of seeing Karen McGrane give a great talk on issues we are currently facing maintaining and publishing content for multiple platforms. Her Content in a Zombie Apocalypse talk at UX London 2015 covered the issues faced by content creators in an increasingly multi-output world.
Internet Week NY notes and thoughts
In my final day in New York, I slipped off to check out some of the sessions at the Internet Week headquarters. I’ve got some great thoughts and takeaways from my day.
Startups can also benefit communities
FRIEDA is the baking startup my dear friend Thomas and his partner, David Wong, have started in Philadelphia. I had the pleasure of having lunch with the two of them the other week in New York. I only mention this because they’ve been featured in Hidden City Philadelphia last week. Worth a read about how they’re using… Continue reading Startups can also benefit communities
Róisín Murphy at Berlin Festival
I’ve spent the last week or so travelling around London and Berlin. Here’s a short video of Róisín Murphy performing a personal favourite, Dear Miami, at the Berlin Arena centre last night. Apologies for the awful camerawork – I was quite far back.
Apps World 2015: OpenTable’s user-centred mobile payment design
A lot of the big app platforms are more than just a consumer application on your smartphone, coupled with a website. Repeatedly at Apps World and elsewhere, I would hear speakers talking about these magic platforms that didn’t augment so much as capture the end-end experience. The big example lauded at the moment is Uber.… Continue reading Apps World 2015: OpenTable’s user-centred mobile payment design